How Angular's HttpErrorResponse is Created, What's It Made Of?
Leonel Elimpe
by Leonel Elimpe
1 min read


  • Angular
  • HttpErrorResponse

This is mostly pulled from this article I recently read on Angular Http Error Handling, full credits to it’s original author TEKTUTORIALSHUB.

The HttpClient captures the errors and wraps it in the generic HttpErrorResponse. The error property of the HttpErrorResponse contains the underlying error object. It also provides additional context about the state of HTTP layer when the error occurred.

The errors falls into two categories. The back end server may generate the error and send the error response. Or the client side code may fail to generate the request and throw the error (ErrorEvent objects).

The server might reject the request for various reasons. Whenever it does it will return the error response with the HTTP Status Codes such as Unauthorized (401), Forbidden (403), Not found (404), internal Server Error (500) etc. Then Angular assigns the error response to error property of the HttpErrorResponse.

The client side code can also generate the error. The error may be due a network error or an error while executing the HTTP request or an exception thrown in an RxJS operator. These errors produce JavaScript ErrorEvent objects. Then Angular assigns the ErrorEvent object to error property of the HttpErrorResponse.

In both the cases the generic HttpErrorResponse is returned, and we can inspect the error property to find out the type of the Error.