Laravel: Test validation message key is defined in all translation files, en, fr, etc
Leonel Elimpe
by Leonel Elimpe
~1 min read

Below is the validation language line we want to test, It’s found in resources/lang/en/validation.php and resources/lang/fr/validation.php my app supports just two languages at this time, English and French.


return [

    // ...
    'empty_unless' => 'The :attribute must be empty unless :other is :value.',
    // ...


Now it’s easy to forget to define empty_unless in one of the translations files and add the proper translation. So I write tests like below so am always reminded there’s a missing translation.


namespace Tests\Unit;

use Tests\TestCase;

class ValidationLanguageLinesTest extends TestCase
    // ...

    /** @test */
    public function empty_unless_has_an_english_translation()
            \Lang::hasForLocale('validation.empty_unless', 'en'),
            'English translation for `empty_unless` not found'

    /** @test */
    public function empty_unless_has_a_french_translation()
            \Lang::hasForLocale('validation.empty_unless', 'fr'),
            'French translation for `empty_unless` not found'
    // ...

And that’s it! Should I forget to add a translation, I will be reminded by a failing unit test.

If you think this testing approach can be improved in any way, please leave a comment below, will be happy to hear it.