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Recent Posts
Specify a default value for Netlify CMS string widget
To specify a default value for Netlify CMS’s string
widget, add the default
property to it’s definition and assign it a value, as follows:
Resources for Syntax Highlighting in Jekyll with Rouge
Here’s the best resources I’ve found for configuring syntax highlight with Route in Jekyll:
Jekyll: Setting a default cover image for all your posts
This post assumes you’re currently able to add an image
to your post front matter, for example:
Enable Adb Debug on MTN Smart T running KaiOS
To enable adb debug on MTN Smart T running KaiOS, dial this code to open a menu and from there enable the USB debugging:
Pass Value to Replace a Custom Placeholder in a Laravel Validation Message
Say you have the following validation message in the custom
array of your language file - resources/lang/xx/validation.php
- (or another location depending on your use case).
Generating Unique Phone Numbers for Testing Purposes
You can pass a callback function to RxJS’s first() operator, I was not aware!
My typical use-case for RxJS first() operator is to emit only the first item of an observable stream. What if you want the first value based on a certain condition instead?
Debugging ScullyIO Rendering and Network Errors with the help of puppeteerLaunchOptions
With my Angular app’s Scully build broken due to proxy redirect issues, I was very happy today discovering we can control the underlying mechanism of rendering the pages to some degree.
Laravel: Exclude a Dynamic Route From CSRF Protection
Let’s say you have the following dynamic web route and would like to exclude it from csrf protection in your Laravel application:
Pass Typescript-like Typed Objects and Arrays to Your Laravel Functions by Leveraging Data Transfer Objects
When working on a PHP codebase, one thing I really miss from the Typescript world is the ability to pass properly typed objects and array into functions.
Detect The Carrier/Mobile Network Of A Phone Number With Javascript, PHP, Java, C++, Ruby, etc
For a long time I’ve struggled with this problem, determining the Mobile Network a given phone number belongs to. Today I found out Google’s libphonenumber library (or any of it’s third party ports for other languages) have this functionality built in.
How I Used Ionic 4 CLI Proxy To Redirect API Requests And Avoid CORS Errors
I recently refactored an Ionic Angular app that previously made use of jQuery to fetch data and update the view 😔. Having moved the API calls into dedicated services, all API requests were blocked by the browser given the different origins (localhost vs external api url).
Angular: Dynamically Create a Div, Give it an ID, and Append it to the Body Element
Here’s how to dynamically create a div
, set it’s id
property, and append it to the body
element in an Angular service or component. I’ll use the example of creating a recaptcha container div on the fly.
How YAML Helped Me Format and Process Text Data From Documents Much Faster

I’ll start by saying YAML is awesome! It’s like that thing you’ve been looking for but never knew existed, at least for my use case.
Generating Typescript Interfaces Directly From The Database
The past couple of weeks I’ve been adding new functionality to an API and today began updating the Angular front-end application to reflect these changes.
Angular Tip: Hide Proxy Redirect CLI Command In angular.json
Wouldn’t it be great if instead of doing ng serve --proxy-config proxy.conf.js
you simply use ng serve
and the Angular CLI takes care of the proxy redirect command? Well, you can.